WCW Clash of The Champions XXII
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January 13, 1993 in Milwaukee. This was the last Clash for announcer Jim Ross who shortly after this event was fired by WCW and joined the WWF. Originally, it was scheduled to be Sting, Dustin Rhodes, Ron Simmons, and Van Hammer against Big Van Vader, Barry Windham, The Barbarian, and Rick Rude; due to injuries, Hammer and Rude dropped out and Orndorff took Rude's place. Earlier on the show, Vader's team got rid of Barbarian, and Vader injured Simmons. Cactus Jack came in during the match, siding with Sting and Rhodes, thus turning face. Johnny B. Badd replaced Erik Watts, where the storyline was that he was suspended from WCW, due to an altercation with Arn Anderson. Tony Atlas replaced Hammer in the arm-wrestling contest.

Steve Borden

Mick Foley
Cactus Jack

Dustin Runnels
"The Natural" Dustin Rhodes

Leon White
Big Van Vader

Barry Windham

Paul Orndorff
"Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff

Rick Blood Sr.
Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat

Troy Martin
Shane Douglas

Steve Austin
"Stunning" Steve Austin

Brian Pillman
"Flyin" Brian Pillman

Tom Zenk
"The Z-Man" Tom Zenk

Alfred Dobalo
Wrecking Crew Rage

Marcus Laurinaitis
Wrecking Crew Fury

Kevin Nash
Vinnie Vegas

Chris Benoit

Brad James
Brad Armstrong

Charles Scaggs
2 Cold Scorpio

Scott Levy
Scotty Flamingo

Marc Mero
Johnny B. Badd

Harley Race

Tom Brandi
Johnny Gunn